Chắc lại trong một buổi tiệc

bác sĩ tưởng một phụ nữ ở Tunisia bị viêm nhiễm niệu đạo, hóa ra có một cái cốc vại nằm trong bàng quang từ 4 năm trước (do thủ dâm)... :D

The 45-year-old had come to hospital complaining of typical lower UTI (urinary tract infection - viêm nhiễm niệu đạo/đường tiết niệu) symptoms, such as leaking.

It was incased by an 8cm-wide bladder stone, which are normally so small they are hard to see with the naked eye.

The woman, from Tunisia, revealed she had used the drinking glass as a sex toy (đồ chơi tình dục) a number of years before.

Evidently she had inserted it into the urethral (niệu đạo, đường niệu, ống đái) - the hole which females urinate from - rather than the vagina (âm đạo).

...While the medical report does not mention it, the woman may have been practising what's known as "urethral sounding".

The risky activity involves inserting a glass or object into the urethra - the tube that urine passes through - to "heighten sexual pleasure and arousal", Wed MD reports.

Bài trước: Tai nạn hi hữu
Tags: sex


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