Vậy thua là đúng

nghiên cứu mới cho rằng, đồ gốm từ thế kỷ 11-12 ở Jerusalem có thể được dùng làm... lựu đạn :D

New analysis of four pot sherds unearthed (khai quật) back in the sixties showed that one contained what looks to be explosive material (chất nổ).

The versatility (tính linh hoạt, tháo vát) and diverse (đa dạng) use of the vessels as been well documented, but this research adds more weight to the claim that carrying explosives was one of their functions.

Previous studies into the sphero-conical archaeological artifacts, which are found in museums around the world, had identified that they were used for a variety of purposes, including beer drinking vessels, mercury containers, containers for oil and containers for medicines.

Tags: science

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