Phân cực chính trị ở Mỹ hiện nay: đâu là nguyên nhân?

do internet di động nhé :)

sau khi có 3g, cử tri trở nên tự do hơn, ủng hộ đảng dân chủ hơn..., ko xem fox news, mà xem nhiều cnn,
How has mobile internet affected political polarization in the United States? Using Gallup Daily

Poll data covering 1,765,114 individuals in 31,499 ZIP codes between 2008 and 2017, I show that, after gaining access to 3G internet, Democratic voters became more liberal (tự do) in their political views (quan điểm chính trị) and increased their support for Democratic congressional candidates and policy priorities, while Republican voters shifted in the opposite direction. This increase in polarization (phân  cực) largely did not take place among social media users. Instead, following the arrival of 3G, active internet and social media users from both parties became more pro-Democratic, whereas less-active users became more pro-Republican. This divergence is partly driven by differences in news consumption between the two groups: after the arrival of 3G, active internet users decreased their consumption of Fox News, increased their consumption of CNN, and increased their political knowledge. Polarization also increased due to a political realignment of voters: wealthy, well-educated people became more liberal; poor, uneducated people—more conservative.

Tags: economics


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