"Like the wreck of the Hesperus" nghĩa là gì?

"Like the wreck of the Hesperus" = như xác tàu Hesperus -> nghĩa là lộn xộn, bừa bộn, trong trạng thái hỏng hóc.

Ví dụ
He makes regular visits to his dermatologist (bác sĩ chuyên khoa da liễu) for laser treatments to remove sunspots, add fillers for his cheeks, and Botox for his forehead. “If you’re meeting new clients for the first time on Zoom, you don’t want to look like the wreck of the Hesperus.”

As an example — in our house, a messy (bừa bộn) room or a ratty outfit would be judged as looking like “the wreck of the Hesperus.” I knew that was bad, but did not know the Hesperus was a ship that wrecked off the New England coast until I was a homeschooling mother of five living in Maine.

There, the Stones were peppered with such pearls as “Keith, with respect, you look a bit like the wreck of the Hesperus with the kind of gear you’re wearing ... why do you like to dress the way you do?”

Aren’t makeovers full of mystery? Even magic? There I was, first thing in the morning, like the wreck of the Hesperus: hair askance (nghiêng về một bên), eyes almost glued closed, arthritic pangs in my left big toe, one glove missing and the emergency pot of caffeine not quite hitting the spot yet.

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