"Make a song and dance about it" nghĩa là gì?

"Make a song and dance about it" = viết bài hát rồi nhảy -> nghĩa là gây rối, làm loạn lên vì những thứ không đâu, những chuyện nhỏ nhặt; 'gà đẻ gà cục tác'.

Ví dụ
I think I noticed the slightest (nhỏ nhất) hint of embarrassment (xấu hổ) on him as though he wished to say, “It will happen when it has to happen, why make a song and dance about it now!” 

Limerick minus a few key players answered the begrudgers, the Waterford player who planted his Hurley on heggos helmet was very lucky to stay on the pitch , but heggo didn’t make a song and dance about it fair dues to him. Cmon the boys in green .

Once we achieve (đạt được) what we want to achieve its all worth it. Eight years isn’t a long time to be out, you don’t forget how to ride a bike, it’s no big deal. People make a song and dance about it but when you get here and see the reaction (phản hồi) from the players you enjoy that bit.

It “signals (báo hiệu) the welcome return of live performances to Scotland’s largest theatres”; and Amber Sylvia said: “This is the first major Scottish musical since Brigadoon; it’s a wonderful way to come out of lockdown for Scotland, so let’s make a song and dance about it.

Ngọc Lân

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