Đức phải làm sao để không phụ thuộc vào khí đốt của Nga

đơn giản, bật lò hạt nhân lên là xong...
That’s why the six nuclear reactors (lò phản ứng hạt nhân) that were operating (vận hành, hoạt động) in Germany in 2021 generated 80% as much power (năng lượng) as all the gas power plants…

If you turned back on all the nuclear reactors, you could eliminate (xóa bỏ) nearly all the need for gas electricity—and some coal too, which is quite polluting (ô nhiễm).

Conversely (ngược lại), if you closed the three nuclear reactors remaining and covered that through gas, you’d need to increase your gas burning for electricity by 30%, which could increase gas from Russia by an equivalent amount.

Put in another way: turning all the German nuclear reactors back on could approximately (xấp xỉ) stop gas imports from Russia. Shutting the remaining ones down could increase the dependency (phụ thuộc) on Russian gas by about 30%.

Bài trước: Chết chưa
Tags: ukraine


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