Chệch hướng rồi

tự do nhưng mà về đạo đức, chứ không phải về kinh tế...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 93 of the late Gertrude Himmelfarb’s 1992 paper “Liberty: ‘One Very Simple Principle’?” as this paper appears in the 1994 collection – On Looking Into the Abyss – of some of Himmelfarb’s writings:

One of the paradoxes (nghịch lý, sự ngược đời) of contemporary  (đương thời, hiện nay, hiện đại) liberalism (chủ nghĩa tự do) is that it has become increasingly libertarian in moral affairs (vấn đề đạo đức) and at the same time increasingly dirigiste (chính phủ can thiệp) in economic affairs (vấn đề kinh tế). In the moral realm, the individual is as close to being “sovereign” – or, we would now say, “autonomous” – as [John Stuart] Mill could have desired. In the economic realm, however, the state exercises a degree of control at least the equal of the “social tyranny” that he so feared.

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