Virus nào ở đây?


ko có can thiệp thì sẽ kill vật chủ đấy...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 74 of David Mamet’s 2022 book, Recessional: The Death of Free Speech and the Cost of a Free Lunch:

The virus, here, is government. Absent intervention (không có can thiệp) it will, like any disease (bệnh tật), eventually kill the host organism (sinh vật chủ). The problem is not that the electorate (toàn bộ cử tri, khu bầu cử) may choose badly, but absolute power will not admit of any change at all.

DBx: Yes. Authoritarian exercises of power, even when imposed and accepted for the best of reasons, have a strong tendency to dangerously self-replicate.

Social life isn’t lived in a series of discreet (thận trọng, dè dặt, kín đáo) time units, with the happenings at time t2 being unaffected (không bị ảnh hưởng) by what happened in time t1. Among the most surprising and disappointing features, to me, of the world since March 2020 is the apparent supposition (giả thuyết, phỏng đoán) by many people – Progressives, conservatives, liberals, libertarians, whatevers – that government can be trusted with enormous, unprecedented powers to stop the spread of a respiratory disease (bệnh về đường hô hấp) without those powers themselves becoming not only dangerous, but becoming both endemic  (đặc hữu, địa phương) and far more dangerous and widespread over time than is the respiratory disease that the powers grabbed and exercised were meant to halt.

Bài trước: Lầm rồi
Tags: economics

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