"All options stink" nghĩa là gì?

"All options stink" có stink là thối, bốc mùi -> cụm từ này nghĩa là không có lựa chọn/phương án nào tốt cho trường hợp này.

Ví dụ
There is almost never a good time to pay a prepayment (trả trước) penalty, Green says. But there are situations where you might not have a choice. “When you have to sell, you have to sell,” he says. “In times like that, all options stink.”

Indeed, even the Pentagon now lists its military choices under the heading AOS: All Options Stink. If military intervention (can dự) succeeded in delivering up Bin Laden and destroying the Taliban, it's hard to see how this could fail to encourage retaliatory strikes all over the world.

The situation may be AOS (all options stink), as some refer to it. But as JWT testifies, ethics apply even in war. We are still moral beings with ethical responsibilities, even when all options stink.

The military uses a term, AOS – All Options Stink. Withdrawing the troops precipitously (dốc ngược) with a timetable simply encourages our enemies to wait us out.

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