Đúng là khoa học

uống bia mỗi ngày ngăn ngừa trụy tim, đột quỵ, và các bệnh tim mạch khác... 🍺
Enjoying beer on a daily basis to protect against heart attack, stroke, and other cardiac diseases (bệnh tim mạch) might sound like a massive (to lớn, đồ sộ) contradiction (mâu thuẫn), but it’s true: Cracking open a cold one can keep our ticker strong. Of course, like most things in life, it’s all about moderation (điều độ).

According to several studies, sipping just one beer (12 oz) a day can provide us with potent (có hiệu lực, có hiệu nghiệm) antioxidants (chống oxy hoá) that lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, increase HDL (good) cholesterol, and prevent the buildup of fat (mỡ) in our arteries (động mạch). Research has also found that the polyphenols in beer (and wine) may decrease risk of cancer and reduce chronic inflammation (sưng, viêm).

Tags: beer

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