Ở Việt Nam thì tha hồ nhắm

tôm tình cờ nhân bản vô tính trong bể nuôi giờ đang lan tràn khắp nước Đức, châu Âu...
In Jordan Peele’s incredible (không thể tin được) 2019 horror film (phim kinh dị) Us, an army (đội ngũ) of human doppelgängers called The Tethered arise to take the place of the existing human population. It hits at some of our core fears, that we might actually be the monsters (quái vật), and that some other version of ourselves might usurp our favored place upon the Earth. It’s later revealed that the Tethered are genetic clones (nhân bản) created by the government (tạo ra bởi chính phủ) and abandoned (bỏ rơi, ruồng bỏ; phóng túng, buông thả).

Human cloning is, as yet, still beyond our reach. But nature has the process locked down. A number of animals including some reptiles, birds, and sharks clone themselves through asexual reproduction known as parthenogenesis (sinh sản đơn tính). That elite club of clone animals has a new member.

Over the last few decades, the planet has been at the mercy of a ten-legged, many-clawed crustacean (loài giáp xác) ravenously (đói lắm, như thể chết đói) creating a clone army bent on world domination. No, it isn’t an interplanetary (liên hành tinh) interloper (người xâm phạm quyền lợi người khác; người dính mũi vào chuyện người khác) or the result of an uncontained government experiment. This is biology gone wrong, or if you happen to be a marbled crayfish, biology gone horribly right.

Today, the freshwater marbled crayfish populates various ecosystems across Asia, Europe, and Africa, and they all trace back to a single genetically identical individual born less than three decades ago. Their precise population numbers are unknown, but there are an estimated 23,000 living in a single small lake in Germany, which measures less than a tenth of a square kilometer, so it stands to reason there are a lot of them.

Tags: science

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