Cạnh tranh là động lực phát triển

cả trong khu vực công nữa nhé...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 155 of the 2016 Third Edition of James D. Gwartney’s, Richard L. Stroup’s, Dwight R. Lee’s, Tawni H. Ferrarini’s, and Joseph P. Calhoun’s excellent Common Sense Economics:

Competition (cạnh tranh) is a disciplinary (đưa vào kỉ luật) force. In the marketplace, businesses must compete for the loyalty (lòng trung thành) of customers (khách hàng). When firms serve their customers poorly, they generally lose business to rivals (đối thủ cạnh tranh) offering a better deal (thương vụ tốt hơn). Competition provides consumers with protection (bảo vệ) against high prices, shoddy (hàng xấu, hàng thứ phẩm) merchandise, poor service (dịch vụ tồi), and/or rude behavior (cư xử thô lỗ). Almost everyone recognizes (nhận ra) this point with regard to the private sector (khu vực tư). Unfortunately (đáng tiếc), the importance of competition in the public sector (khu vực công) is often overlooked (lờ đi, bỏ qua).

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