"Stand on principle" nghĩa là gì?

"Stand on principle" có principle là nguyên tắc, đạo đức -> cụm từ này nghĩa là giữ vững kỉ cương, kỉ luật đúng với giá trị hoặc niềm tin của bản thân.

Ví dụ
This is not a difficult question: Are we going to stand on principle and repudiate (khước từ) unequivocally (rõ ràng) the use of torture, or are we going to tie ourselves in legal knots to justify the use of evidence derived from the torture of human beings?

I promise to be a leader with integrity (chính trực), a leader who will listen, and a leader who will stand on principle. I will fight to fix the national security crisis at our border, which is impacting Tennesseans every day.

It’s easy to stand on principle when you disagree with a result. It’s much harder to do so when the result is desirable, but the means to get there are not.

This is a dangerous precedent (sự việc). Therefore, it is an existential issue. Therefore, we have to stand up. We have to take a stand on principle and express it clearly (and) unequivocally.

Ngọc Lân

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