"A law with no teeth" nghĩa là gì?

"A law with no teeth" = luật không có răng -> nghĩa là bộ luật, quy tắc không thể thực thi một cách có ý nghĩa được.

Ví dụ
However, Mr Gillingham said the legislation (luật) was a "law with no teeth" and has failed (thất bại) to fulfil its aim of keeping killers like Causley incarcerated (bị tống giam).

“The statewide Tenant Protection Act falls short for Petaluma tenants (người thuê). It is a law with no teeth,” DeMatteo said. “The act exempts a multitude (số đông) of tenancy situations, and tenants would have to hire an attorney to sue (kiện) their landlord if they believe their rights are being violated (vi phạm).

What good is a law with no teeth? The fine (tiền phạt) needs to be increased significantly and robustly enforced. We should also eliminate the loophole in the rule that allows hospitals to simply provide estimates, not guaranteed prices.

Instead of trying to rely on a law with no teeth, Nosie and other Native religious rights advocates are partnering with other religious leaders like the Rev. Dr. William Barber II, president of Repairers of the Breach and co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign to raise awareness of the impending destruction of Oak Flat.

Ngọc Lân

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