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phải nộp 1.000 usd cho hackers vì dùng khóa trinh tiết số, và hackers đã nắm quyền kiểm soát (không mở được)... :D

The chastity belt known as Qiui Cellmate is, in fact, a chastity cage, dubbed the "world's first app-controlled chastity device."

Sam received a message that he needs to pay $1,000 in bitcoins to get the app for his chastity device if he wants it under his control again.

The man told Vice:

"Initially, I thought it was my partner doing that. It sounds silly, but I got a bit excited by it."

After talking to his partner and learning that their safeword is not working, Sam started panicking:

"I started looking at the thing. There's no manual override at all. It's a chastity belt, I guess it kind of shouldn't [have an override]."

"But when it's a digital thing like that, it should have a key or something. But it obviously (hiển nhiên) didn't."

He panicked (hoảng loạn, kinh hoàng) as he realized he had some bitcoins in an old account.

So, he sent the hackers bitcoins, but then they asked for more.

Sam and his partner knew they had to get the penis out of this device manually. They took a hammer (búa) and a pair of bolt cutters (cắt bu-lôn).

After some time, they broke the device but harmed the penis. Sam said:

"I don't have a scar (vết sẹo) or anything, but I was bleeding, and it f***ing hurt."

He added that the couple could not have sex (không thể làm tình) for a month (hàng tháng trời).

Sam deleted the app and warned others, saying:

"If you're into it, that's fine because you're into what you're into."

"But use a lock, a physical lock in case. These digital things, you cannot trust them."

Bài trước: To và cứng
Tags: sex


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