Chắc ăn nhiều nên húng

ứng cử viên tổng thống kenya cam kết giải quyết được bài toán nợ nần của nước này bằng cách... đẩy mạnh xuất khẩu tinh hoàn linh cẩu sang china... :D

Mr Wajackoyah has attracted younger members of the electorate (toàn bộ cử tri), with many saying conventional politicians (chính trị gia truyền thống) have failed to tackle (giải quyết) corruption (tham nhũng), inflation (lạm phát), and unemployment (thất nghiệp).

The grave-digger-turned-law-professor has polled at around 2% of votes, but could have a say in the election if he endorses one of the front-runners or take votes from another.

During his campaign trial, he has promised to wipe out Kenya near $70bn (£57.9bn) debt by establishing a medical cannabis industry and exporting animal parts to China, where he says hyena (linh cẩu) testicles (tinh hoàn) are considered a delicacy (đặc sản).

Bài trước: Hài vãi
Tags: sex


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