Tác dụng ngược

nâng lương tối thiểu khiến người lao động có thể bị bớt các khoản phúc lợi khác, ít được đào tạo hơn...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from pages 148-149 of the 2021 35th anniversary edition of Steven Rhoads’s excellent 1985 book, The Economist’s View of the World: And the Quest for Well-Being (footnote deleted; links added):

Just as landlords (chủ đất) adjust (điều chỉnh) when forced (bị buộc phải) to keep rents (tiền thuê nhà) low, employers adjust when required (bị yêu cầu) to pay low-skilled (kỹ năng thấp) workers (công nhân) more than a market wage (mức lương thị trường). If they have previously offered workers inexpensive insurance (bảo hiểm) or partial daycare coverage, they can discontinue these nonwage benefits. Perhaps more important, they can discontinue on-the-job training (đào tạo tại chỗ). Jacob Vigdor, one of the University of Washington economists who conducted the Seattle study, worries that, by harming employment opportunities (cơ hội việc làm) for junior workers, we may be removing the bottom rung (nấc thang cuối cùng) of the ladder to future, better-paid jobs.

Tags: economics

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