Làm luật thì dễ

như bắt phải tăng lương tối thiểu,

nhưng có tăng được năng suất lao động không?
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 34 of my late, great colleague Walter Williams’s remarkable 1982 book, The State Against Blacks (footnote deleted; original emphasis):

Legislative bodies have the power to legislate (làm luật, lập pháp) a wage increase (tăng lương), but unfortunately, they have not found a way to legislate worker productivity increases. Further, while Congress (quốc hội) can legislate the price of a labor transaction (giao dịch), it cannot require that the transaction actually be made. That is, they can dictate what minimum wage (lương tối thiểu) must be paid a person if you hire him, but they cannot dictate that you hire him in the first place. To the extent that the minimum wage law raises the pay level to that which may exceed the productivity of some workers, employers will predictably make adjustments in the use of their labor. Such an adjustment will produce gains for some workers at the expense of other workers. Those workers who retain their jobs and receive a higher wage clearly gain. The adverse effects are borne by those workers who are the most disadvantaged in terms of marketable skills – those who lose their jobs and their income or who are not hired in the first place.

Bài trước: Tác dụng ngược
Tags: economics

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