Dự luật Giảm lạm phát của Mỹ có gì?

mới có giảm thâm hụt ngân sách 300 tỷ usd trong 10 năm đã gọi là giảm lạm phát,

thì tăng khoảng 1.700 tỷ usd trong 2 năm thời covid gọi là tăng lạm phát à,
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from Wall Street Journal columnist Gerard Baker’s latest column, titled “‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Is an Insult to Used-Car Salesmen“:

If a bill that reduces the deficit (thâm hụt) by $300 billion over 10 years represents “inflation reduction,” what are we to make of a law Congress passed last year that increased the deficit by an estimated $1.7 trillion in less than two years?

If we are in the business of renaming legislative measures with a bill that is going to reduce inflation through deficit reduction, can we now all agree to call the American Rescue Plan of 2021—which added six times as much to the deficit in one-fifth of the time—the Inflation Acceleration Act?

Bài trước: Niềm tin ngây thơ
Tags: economics

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