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các nhà khoa học nhật bản tạo ra gián cyborg (phục vụ trong việc cứu hộ/cứu nạn)

In experiments (thí nghiệm) led by the state-backed institute, the team attached 4-micrometer ultrathin solar cell film to the backs of Madagascar cockroaches, which are around 6 centimeters long and easy to handle because they do not fly.

Despite the attached electronic components, the cockroaches could still move freely as the team interleaved adhesive (chất kết dính) and non-adhesive sections onto the solar cell films to accommodate the insects (côn trùng)' natural movement (di chuyển tự nhiên).

With the electricity supplied by the solar cell, the team could control the cockroaches' movements via a wireless control module attached to the thorax (ngực) by applying electrical stimulation (kích thích) to a sensory organ (cơ quan giác quan) called the cercus at the rearmost segment of the insects, it said.

Tags: japanscience

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