Giám đốc bên trong bạn

5 quyết định quan trọng nhất trên bàn bạn lúc này là gì?

bao nhiêu thời gian trong ngày để biết đủ thông tin và ra những quyết định đó...

The CEO of you
Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

Big company CEOs get paid ridiculous (buồn cười; lố bịch; lố lăng) amounts of money, but the good ones also do something that most of us avoid.

They make decisions (họ ra quyết định).

In fact, that’s pretty much the core of the job. Whether to shut a plant (đóng nhà máy), open a store, create a division, invest in a new technology…

That’s the part that creates the most value.

When we go to work, most of us simply go to work. We do our jobs, respond to the incoming, hone our craft, make some sales.

The decisions get put off or ignored altogether.

And yet it’s the strategic decisions that can change the arc of our career and our job satisfaction as well.

Here’s a simple list of questions: What are the five big decisions on your desk right now? Would others in your position have a different list? How much of your day is spent learning what you need to know to make those decisions? And can you make them all by Tuesday?

Tags: skill

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