Nên bỏ Trump lại đằng sau

lập luận quan trọng nhất đối với thương mại tự do ko phải về "kinh tế" mà là về... "tự do"
trích dẫn hôm nay… is the closing paragraph of Jeb Hensarling’s superb op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal – an op-ed appropriately titled “GOP Needs to Leave Trump Behind on Trade“:

‘Our trade policy (chính sách thương mại) rests firmly on the foundation (nền tảng) of free and open markets (thị trường mở và tự do),” said President Ronald Reagan in 1986. Thirty years later President Donald Trump tweeted, “The word TARIFF is a beautiful word indeed.” His administration imposed (áp đặt)—to cheers from parts of the GOP—tariffs of as much as 50% on steel, aluminum, and an array of Chinese goods. After being the party of free trade for almost four decades, some Republicans need a refresher course on the dangers of protectionism (chủ nghĩa bảo hộ).

Republicans undoubtedly (rõ ràng, chắc chắn, không thể tranh cãi được, không bị hoài nghi, không bị thắc mắc) consider the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to be the crowning (hoàn thiện, chu toàn) achievement (thành tựu) of the Trump era (kỷ nguyên). Yet many who heralded (báo trước) its pro-growth tax relief for working families now support tax increases on these same families in the form of tariffs.

...The most important argument for free trade has nothing to do with economics. It has everything to do with securing “the blessings of liberty (tự do) to ourselves and our posterity (thịnh vượng).” In other words, it’s about freedom. Fundamentally (về cơ bản), trade should not be viewed as a discretionary (được sử dụng, thi hành khi xét thấy cần thiết; tùy ý) foreign policy  (chính sách đối ngoại) but as an individual right. If the GOP stands for freedom of speech, free enterprise and the freedom to bear arms (mang vũ khí), it should again unequivocally stand for free trade.

Tags: economics

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