Thảm họa giẫm đạp trong lễ hội Halloween tại Seoul

vụ giẫm đạp tại Itaewon xảy ra khi đám đông dồn về con hẻm nhỏ xuống dốc gần khách sạn Hamilton ở Itaewon...

mọi người đổ dồn về khu vực này vì nghe tin có người nổi tiếng xuất hiện,
At least 149 people, mostly teenagers and young adults in their 20s, were killed in a crush (đám đông, chen chúc, đám đông xô đẩy chen lấn nhau) when a huge crowd (đám đông khổng lồ) celebrating (ăn mừng) Halloween surged (tràn, dâng lên như sóng) into an alley (ngõ, ngách) in a nightlife area (khu phố về đêm) of the South Korean capital Seoul on Saturday night, emergency (khẩn cấp) officials said.

A further 65 people were injured (bị thương, thương vong) in the melee in Seoul's Itaewon district, Choi Sung-beom, head of the Yongsan Fire Station, said in a briefing at the scene (hiện trường).

Nineteen of the injured were in serious condition (tình trạng nguy kịch) and receiving emergency treatment, the officials said, adding the death toll (con số tử vong) could rise.

It was the first Halloween event in Seoul in three years after the country lifted COVID restrictions (lệnh cấm) and social distancing (giãn cách xã hội). Many of the partygoers (người đi dự tiệc) were wearing masks (khẩu trang) and Halloween costumes (trang phục).

Some witnesses described the crowd becoming increasingly unruly and agitated as the evening deepened. The incident took place at about 10:20 p.m. (1320 GMT).

"A number of people fell during a Halloween festival (lễ hội), and we have a large number of casualties," Choi said. Many of those killed were near a nightclub (câu lạc bộ đêm).

Many of the victims (nạn nhân) were women in their twenties,
Tags: south korea

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