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Jasper Centeno of Long Beach and Blake Wilson of Fresno filed a lawsuit (vụ kiện) in state court last week accusing DreamFields Brands of false advertising (quảng cáo sai lệch), intentional misrepresentation (cố ý trình bày sai) and unjust (không đúng; không công bằng, bất công; không xứng đáng) enrichment (sự làm tốt thêm, sự làm màu mỡ thêm, cái làm phong phú thêm), among other charges.

At issue in the case is how much Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is contained in DreamFields' Jeeter pre-roll products. THC is the chemical found in cannabis that gives users a high.

DreamFields markets its products as having higher than average levels of THC, but an independent laboratory (phòng thí nghiệm độc lập) test found the pre-rolls do not have a higher concentration of the chemical, lawyers for Centeno and Wilson alleged. In one instance, a Jeeter product labeled as having a THC content of 46% was found to contain between 23% and 27%, the lawsuit states.

"Consumers are willing to pay more for cannabis products with higher THC content, and expect to pay less for cannabis products with lower THC content," attorney Christin Cho, who is representing the plaintiffs (nguyên đơn),

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