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các founder (người sáng lập) công ty khởi nghiệp thường quá lạc quan...
RAJAGOPALAN: …Daniel, if you’re looking for talent (tài năng) in investing or finance, how does that look different from the talent in the start-up world?
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

GROSS: In the start-up world? What makes a good investor is very different from what makes a good founder. If you were to make a scatterplot of it, some of the attributes are completely diametrically (hoàn toàn, tuyệt đối) opposed (trái ngược). For example, I think very good investors are the right degree of optimistic but also realistic (thực tế), whereas founders are too optimistic, which they should be.

At the end of the day, start-ups are a very funny activity when you think about it from a probability standpoint (quan điểm xác suất). Most companies fail. Almost all companies fail, and yet, people seem to be seemingly doing this activity over and over. They’re jumping off the cliff over and over again. You look over the cliff, and everyone who jumped off of the cliff is just on the ground dead, but people keep on jumping off the cliff. Founders are almost too optimistic.

When you’re evaluating a business (đánh giá doanh nghiệp), especially at later and later stages, I think optimism can be your enemy. Often, you see when a lot of founders later on in life — and I’m such a person — who started a business, sold it, and became an investor, you actually have to be able to wear very different kinds of psychometric hats. One of them is this continuum of realism and optimism. I’d probably say that’s the starkest difference between what makes a good start-up investor and a good founder. There are probably many others, but that’s the main thing that you look for.

Tags: finance

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