"Stand stock still" nghĩa là gì?

"Stand stock still" -> nghĩa là đứng yên, không nhúc nhích.

Ví dụ
Ponnelle took no directorial (đạo diễn) liberties (quyền tự do) in this staging of Idomeneo; if anything it was a bit old-fashioned even by the standards of the day, especially the rather static placement of the principals and chorus, who often stand stock still.

At home and in the garden, if you have one, practice a version of Musical Statues whereby the child runs about and has to stop and stand stock still as soon as they hear the word 'Freeze.

People don’t fall in their house because they were unable to stand stock-still on one foot for 10 seconds. As this article from the American Council on Exercise points out, in real life we need to balance dynamically (sôi nổi), while we are moving.

After, the cutting came the fitting with pins — a tortuous (quanh co) affair (vấn đề) that required me to stand stock-still. Of course there was a large hem left at the bottom of the skirt to allow for growth.

Ngọc Lân

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