"Pay the debt of nature" nghĩa là gì?

"Pay the debt of nature" = trả nợ thiên nhiên -> nghĩa là chết, trả nợ đời. 

Ví dụ
Other variations (biến thể) of the ritual (nghi lễ) had the wrens (gái điếm) caught alive and released after the day’s festivities, but Muller sees this as a more recent version. The killing of the wren was very much the traditional point. The “wren has to die in order to pay the debt of Nature [sic], to use a recognized expression for dying.” Human death is the price we pay for hunting, killing, and destroying Nature, and in the ritual, the wren stands in for us.

Great God! has it come to this? Is it not all a dream? Before 12 o’clock this night I am to pay the debt of nature. Yes, if I was to go free tomorrow I could not live and be called a villain (kẻ xấu).

But it is not determined that the mortality rate (tỷ lệ tử vong) is improved with prophylactic (phòng bệnh) therapy, as most patients pay the debt of nature from their underlying diseases.

Ngọc Lân

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