Xu hướng mới của giới trẻ New York

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Sitting cross-legged (ngồi khoanh chân) on a blanket (chăn) in his Soho apartment, Barrett Pall inhaled toad-venom (nọc độc cóc) smoke through a glass stem pipe.

Thirty seconds later, he was crying.

“I was crying really hard, yelling ‘I’m so sorry’ over and over,” Pall recalled to The Post of his first time experimenting with the illegal psychedelic (trạng thái lâng lâng, phiêu phiêu do thuốc phiện; tạo ảo giác) drug last year. (He’s since tried it twice more.)

“I saw my younger self with my parents and ex-boyfriends in places [where] I’d been hurt.”

The ­social-media (mạng xã hội) influencer (người có ảnh hưởng) and life coach said the experience concluded after 45 minutes of “shooting through the universe” and “being reborn.”

Despite the trip’s short duration, the effects of toad venom — which is extracted from Colorado River toads, also known as Sonoran Desert toads — come on strongly and immediately. It leaves users immobile (bất động) and unaware (không nhận thức), and can cause extreme emotional reactions (phản ứng xúc động thái quá), euphoria (phê, phởn phơ) and vomiting (nôn), according to drug researchers and users.

It’s also the hot mind-altering drug du jour among well-off New Yorkers, following the trendy trips of ayahuasca, mushrooms and mescaline.

Tags: health


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