Chuyện ngộ nghĩnh ở công viên

được chủ thả đi tìm gậy, chú chó chạy một lúc rồi quay về với... dương vật giả... :))


A game of fetch did not ensue

A dog left her owner (chủ) in shock when she went foraging (lục lọi, tìm tòi) for a stick (gậy), only to come back with a sex toy (đồ chơi tình dục) in her mouth.

Manuel Barcia, 50, was out for a lovely walk in the park last week with his 15-month-old Golden Retriever, Ahsoka.

As usual, she went off to find a stick to bring back for Manuel, and disappeared (biến mất) into some long grass (cỏ mọc cao).

But it wasn't a stick that she sniffed out this time, as she came running back with a massive vibrating dildo (dương vật giả) in her mouth.

Manuel said he burst into fits of laughter before realising he would have to somehow get it out of Ahsoka's mouth.

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Tags: sex

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