"Anti-suffragism" nghĩa là gì?

"Anti-suffragism" -> nghĩa (phong trào chính trị) là phản đối việc mở rộng quyền bỏ phiếu trong các cuộc bầu cử chính trị cho phụ nữ.

Ví dụ
Women’s suffrage research guide from the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America. Their online collection includes information about suffragists (người tán thành mở rộng quyền bầu cử), suffrage organizations and anti-suffragism, as well as some digitized periodicals (báo/tạp chí định kỳ), photographs and posters.

According to JWA, “Meyer saw no inconsistencies (sự mâu thuẫn) in her indisputable (không thể bàn cãi) achievement in expanding women’s higher education and her anti-suffragism. This enigmatic stance (quan điểm/lập trường khó hiểu) may be traced to her intense jealousy of her sister, Maud, who was a progressive activist and well-known suffragist, and her impatience with the suffragists’ claims about the social and political changes the women’s vote would bring.”

Anti-suffragism was not just a matter of societal benevolence (lòng nhân từ), of course. Women anti-suffragists understood their interests as women lay not in the ballot box, but in being White, wealthy and well-connected, as nearly all leading anti-suffrage women were. They knew what power they had relied on the existing social order and flowed from their position at the top of a hierarchy (thứ bậc, tôn ti). Any form of democracy that widened voting rights threatened that hierarchy. Northern anti-suffragists worried about poor and immigrant women flooding the ballot box; southern anti-suffragists saw suffrage (quyền đi bầu, sự bỏ phiếu) for women as a Trojan horse for the Black vote.

Ka Tina

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