"De-extinction" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Olen Gandy

"De-extinction" = không để tuyệt chủng -> nghĩa là sự hồi sinh của loài đã tuyệt chủng bằng cách nhân bản vô tính hoặc nhân giống chọn lọc (đề xuất, tưởng tượng).

Ví dụ
The thylacine, or Tasmanian tiger, officially became extinct in 1936, but now scientists want to bring it back from the dead. Is de-extinction actually bad news for the conservation (sự bảo tồn)?

So we dwell (ngụ, dừng lại ở), with appalled fascination, on the northern white rhino (tê giác), a subspecies (loài phụ) that has only two surviving members — both female — and whose future may depend on the ability of reproductive scientists to turn skin cells into stem cells and eventually into viable (có thể tồn tại) sperm and egg cells. We ponder curiosities such as so-called de-extinction, an unproven technology that may one day succeed in creating a hybrid (vật lai) individual with DNA from extinct and extant (hiện có) species, but will never reverse extinction.

Trym, Levi’s caretaker (người trông nom nhà cửa), certainly gets this. He wants Levi to die a natural death, free from attempts to extract his sperm (tinh dịch) for de-extinction efforts. Trym knows too well how the human touch squanders (hoang phí) a wild animal’s dignity (chân giá trị). The hunter also senses “something old and majestic (uy nghi, hùng vĩ)” in the cat that stands before him. The self-promoting Kaya gets the point too, eventually, when she sees how Levi rests his magnificent head on Trym after they thwart the hunter’s plan.

Ka Tina

Tags: katinaword

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