"In the swim of things" nghĩa là gì?

"In the swim of things" = trong dòng chảy của mọi thứ -> nghĩa là tham gia, có liên quan tới các sự việc, sự kiện nhất định.

Ví dụ
With summer temperatures (nhiệt độ) on the way, the City of Mississauga is getting back in the ‘swim’ of things with the opening of its outdoor pools and spray pads.

Fortunately, my new American Enterprise Institute colleague Nate Moore is getting in the swim of things with alacrity (sốt sắng). Most of what you’ll find below is what he picked, hulled, and served up for you. 

Carrie Davis was evidently (rõ ràng) a practical woman and said the couple planned to return to Memphis once her husband retired. “Washington is fine if you are in the swim of things, but it’s no place to be if you aren’t in the water,” Mrs. Davis said.

I was a redhead (tóc đỏ) and a middle child; both can make you feel excluded. It's like fighting to be included, in the swim of things. After a while you start to develop a bit of a victim mentality (tâm lý), which isn't great for a happy life.

Ngọc Lân

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