"Next tomorrow" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Krists Luhaers

"Next tomorrow" = ngày mai kế tiếp -> nghĩa là ngày mốt.

Ví dụ
Today focus on today. The best you can be today. The best you can do today. Right here, right now. Tomorrow will come. And it will be today and then you can do it all over again with the next tomorrow that comes your way. If you are lucky. All the best in 2023, but most especially all the best to you today.

"I think he's alright now," Steven Smith said. "He's had some fluids. He's been in the ice bath. He was having some food before so hopefully he can pull up well and get out there next tomorrow. It was pretty energy sapping (sự đào đất), it was pretty hot. It wasn't the most comfortable day the crease. Boys were cramping left, right and centre."

Another point the Odesolas have advanced in favour of ‘in advance’ is that such an expression has the chance of eventually being accepted into the universal bank – as Oxford Dictionaries did in 2020 by enlisting Nigerian English terms such as ember (than hồng trong đám lửa sắp tắt) month, danfo, mama put, non-indigene (không thuộc bản xứ/bản địa), guber, Kannywood and next tomorrow. A smart argument? Yes, only that the term remains informal, if not incorrect, until it is listed.

Ka Tina

Tags: katinaword

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