Cách giảm nghẹt mũi cấp tốc tại nhà

hai vợ chồng làm một nháy nhé, 

nghiên cứu được chứng minh bởi các bác sĩ đại học Heidelberg, Đức, công bố trên Ear, Nose, and Throat Journal...
Sex is extraordinarily salubrious (lành, tốt, đem lại sức khỏe), relieving stress (giảm căng thẳng), providing exercise, improving sleep, and lowering the risk of prostate cancer (giảm nguy cơ ung thư tuyến tiền liệt), amongst many other benefits (lợi ích). Scientists primarily based out of the University of Heidelberg in Germany recently discovered another, unexpected advantage: sex is a potent nasal decongestant (giảm nghẹt mũi hiệu quả).

Details of their experiment (thí nghiệm) were published (công bố) in the Ear, Nose, and Throat Journal.

Eighteen heterosexual couples, all healthcare workers or partners of healthcare workers, were instructed to rate their level of nasal congestion using a standardized scale, then to objectively assess it with a device for measuring nasal resistance and air flow. They then were asked to engage (tham gia) in sexual intercourse (quan hệ tình dục) in which both partners reach climax (cực khoái, cực đỉnh). Afterwards, they were told to again assess their nasal decongestion within one minute after orgasm (cực khoái), 30 minutes later, one hour later, and three hours later. The following day, they repeated the process but instead replaced sex with the use of a nasal decongestant spray (thuốc xịt).

For up to an hour after sex, intercourse was just as effective as the nasal decongestant at reducing nasal congestion, the researchers found.

Tags: healthsex


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