"Single-use" nghĩa là gì?

"Single-use" -> nghĩa là chỉ dùng một lần rồi bỏ/tiêu hủy.

Ví dụ
Colorado is tightening restrictions on single-use bags used by businesses, but the new rules that took effect on Jan. 1 will have little impact on many local businesses, which are too small to require compliance (sự bằng lòng). Starting this month, some businesses will be required to charge customers 10 cents per bag for single-use paper and plastic bags.

“We try to stay ahead of the game,” said Paul Bognar, president and chief operating officer of Service Inspired Restaurants, which operates numerous restaurants including Jack Astor’s and Scaddabush. Though single-use plastics aren’t fully banned yet, he said the company’s restaurants are ready to transition away from plastics early in the new year after months of testing.

Polystyrene plastics are not locally processable and end up in landfills (bãi rác) where they slowly degrade, leach (nước tro, lọc qua) chemicals into the environment and break down into microplastics that are harmful to wildlife, city staff said in a report. The proposed ban applies to plastic foam (sủi bọt), which is used with single-use plates, cups, take-out food containers and packaging materials. It would also affect rigid (cứng nhắc) plastics, which are used to make disposable cutlery (dao kéo) and cup lids.

Ka Tina

Tags: katinaword

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