"I know that feel" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

"I know that feel" -> câu nói bày tỏ sự đồng cảm giữa bạn bè; 'tôi hiểu mà'. 

Ví dụ
Does the guy have misophonia (ngộ độc)? Because I know that feel, dude. It is very rarely a fun condition to have. Also, if that's cereal, where's the bowl?

Once the word spread, several memes such as ‘I know that feel’ started flooding (tràn ngập) the internet. With this slang, the image of ‘Feels Guy’ also became widely famous among internet users and in nerd culture. They were majorly used as a response to an emotional situation.

Not to create a political conversation, but there are plenty of teenagers and college-aged students I know that feel that the odds are stacked against (chống lại) them. Higher education is expensive.

Spurs dropped two points and Sonny is sad. I know that feel, Sonny. I don’t want to feel this again either.

Ngọc Lân

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