Mario lại vất vả rồi

số đảo ở nhật bản có thể tăng lên gấp đôi sau khi 7.000 hòn đảo mới được phát hiện...

Well, kind of.

The nation currently comprises 6,852 islands, but that figure dates back to a 1987 study conducted by the Japan Coast Guard. During a December 2021 parliamentary session, a lawmaker argued the data was old and the true figure could be vastly different.

"An accurate understanding of the number of islands is an important administrative matter that is related to the national interest (lợi ích quốc gia)," the legislator said,

During the 1987 study, officials listed — by hand — islands with a circumference of at least 100 meters. They used basic technology that often misidentified groups of small islands as one island.

They also left out thousands of islands, many of which were within lakes or rivers. They didn't include river sandbanks either, which the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea now recognizes as islands. Plus, volcanic activity has led to the creation of more islands since the study over 35 years ago.

Now, with the recount, that figure is expected to rise to 14,125 islands,

Bài trước: Bó tay
Tags: japan

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