Bó tay

phường Shibuya thông báo rằng nhà vệ sinh công cộng bằng kính mờ... bị hỏng khiến người ngoài có thể nhìn thấu bên trong... :D
Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward announced Friday that two public restrooms (nhà vệ sinh công cộng) in the ward, known as “see-through toilets,” in which the glass walls of the restrooms become opaque (mờ, đục) when in use, had a problem that allowed people to see inside while in use.

The walls of the toilets are made of special glass, which becomes opaque when locked.

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo Two toilet cubicles are seen in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, in November. The cubicle’s glass becomes opaque when in use, as seen on the right.

Bài trước: Ngu vãi
Tags: japan

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