langdu không bao giờ đeo khẩu trang

nghiên cứu nói người có khuôn mặt xấu xí thích đeo khẩu trang hậu Covid...


Attractive people are less likely to keep wearing face masks in the post-Covid era, a study suggests.

Researchers conducted three questionnaires asking people about self-perceived attractiveness and mask-wearing intentions in various scenarios.

They concluded that young and middle-aged Americans who view themselves as attractive 'believe wearing a mask hinders the opportunities to deliver a favorable impression to others'.

On the other hand, people who do not view themselves as attractive buy into the 'mask attractiveness belief' — that face coverings actually enhance their looks.

...Initially used for anti-viral protection, the face mask has become one of the symbols of a fierce culture war in the US.

Bài trước: Thuật toán rởm quá

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