"No more than the man in the moon" nghĩa là gì?

"No more than the man in the moon" = chú cuội -> nghĩa là điều hư cấu, vật tưởng tượng.

Ví dụ
His sister has absolutely nothing to do with this case, no more than The Man in The Moon. She does seem to trigger (gây ra) some people's TDS; but, again, that has nothing to do with THIS case.

Thankfully Jeff Stelling knows no more than the man in the moon. Stick with JM, if we chop and change we will not move forward. For better for worse, he will learn from his mistakes (you have to make a mistake to learn anything in life).

A celebrated philosopher (triết gia) of antiquity (cổ xưa)—every scholar must know I mean Plutarch, has wrote a very learned treatise upon this same man in the moon, or rather face in the moon; but if you ask me what he would be at in this treatise, I really know no more than the man in the moon.

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