Mua hàng qua mạng nó thế

nam thanh niên 23 tuổi trả 1.100 usd/tháng để thuê nhà... nhỏ bằng đúng 1 chỗ đỗ xe...

“People might call this place just a room or a closet, but to me, it is home,” Verhaeg told CNBC Make It.

The 23-year-old barber, bike messenger, and content creator (người sáng tạo nội dung) found the apartment on Zillow and only got to see the space in photos before he moved in.

“It was a little bit of a shock when I saw how small it was, but I really wanted to try living in this area,” he said. “Any space can be made into a home, no matter how big or how small that space is. You just gotta put some love into it.”

...Verhaeg’s tiny (nhỏ xíu) apartment doesn’t come with a bathroom. Instead, the five-story building has residents share the three bathrooms and two showers that are located on each floor.

“Living here can sort of feel like you’re in the college dorms (ký túc xá đại học) because of the shared amenities,” he said. “Sometimes you’ll see your neighbors in a towel or a bathrobe. You sort of just get used to it.”

Tags: funny

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