"Lame duck session" nghĩa là gì?

"Lame duck session" = phiên họp vịt què -> nghĩa là phiên họp triệu tập Hạ viện hoặc Thượng viện vào năm chẵn sau cuộc tổng tuyển cử tháng 11. 

Ví dụ
With a narrowing window to act, Democrats intend to use the end-of-year “lame duck” session to leave a legislative mark while they still control all the levers of power in Washington.

“We are going to try to have as productive (năng suất) a lame-duck session as possible,” the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, said at a post-election press conference. “It’s going to be heavy work, long hours to try and get much done.”

Americans have been calling retiring or defeated presidents and congressmen (đại biểu quốc hội Hoa Kỳ) lame for much of their history. The lame-duck legislative session took on its modern form in the 1930s, after the 20th Amendment significantly shortened (rút ngắn) the period between Election Day and the start of the next Congress.

The success of bipartisan negotiations in the ongoing lame-duck session will determine (quyết định) whether this is one of the most productive post-election periods in memory or just middling.

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