"One man, one vote" nghĩa là gì?

"One man, one vote" = mỗi người một phiếu bầu -> nghĩa là hệ thống bầu cử bình đẳng giữa mọi công dân, mọi phiếu bầu đều được tính và có giá trị như nhau. 

Ví dụ
Chege urged (thúc giục) the country’s leadership to consider the one man, one vote, and one shilling proposal saying it will go a long way in ensuring equity (bình đẳng).

President William Ruto was on Friday May 19 asked by his close allies to speak on the highly emotive Mt Kenya region’s ‘one man, one vote, one shilling’ debate. But when he rose to speak, the President responded to all issues that had been brought to his attention save for that.

In the Assembly: One Man One Vote. In Athens, all laws and court cases were decided by the Assembly (ekklēsia), a massive democratic (tư bản) body in which every male citizen had a say. Of the 30,000 to 60,000 citizens of Athens, roughly 6,000 regularly attended and participated (tham gia) in meetings of the Assembly.

To ensure the conduct of a free and fair election, the Seyochung Sitimi village in poll-bound Nagaland has made a strong resolution with the motto (khẩu hiệu) of 'one man one vote'. Located on the eastern side of Nagaland, the Seyochung Sitimi village shares a sub-division under Kiphire District, of the state.

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