"Little old ladies in tennis shoes" nghĩa là gì?
Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash
"Little old ladies in tennis shoes" = hội chị em lão thành trong đôi giày tennis -> nghĩa là các thành viên nữ của Hiệp hội John Birch, nhóm vận động chính trị cánh hữu Mỹ. Thành lập năm 1958, tổ chức này chống cộng sản, ủng hộ chủ nghĩa bảo thủ xã hội và các ý tưởng cực đoan, cực hữu.
Ví dụ
The phrase “little old ladies in tennis shoes” refers to female members of the John Birch Society, a group established (thành lập) on Tuesday, December 9, 1958, that promotes anti-communism and limited government (nhà nước có quyền lực hạn chế).
“The cadre of the John Birch society seems to be formed primarily of wealthy businessmen (doanh nhân), retired (nghỉ hưu) military officers and little old ladies in tennis shoes,” the report said.
It seems to me, Mr. Mosk could use his time to better advantage than making unfavorable remarks about little old ladies in tennis shoes. These people he noted have a vote, I assume, and I hope they remember this article just in case Mr. Mosk should be on a ballot (bỏ phiểu kín) one day.
The report said that top Birchers seem to be “retired military officers, wealthy businessmen and little old ladies in tennis shoes." Yesterday a pair of rubber sandals with gold thongs arrived in a box postmarked Lancaster (Los Angeles county); a single tennis shoe arrived here from Fresno; and two pairs of tennis shoes were received in Mosk’s Sacramento office.
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Tags: phraseTrần Ngọc Lân
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