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với du lịch không gian bùng nổ, trong 10 năm tới sẽ có... 'làm tình trong vũ trụ' :D

From Star Trek to Passengers, sex in space (làm tình trong vũ trụ) has been depicted (mô tả) in science fiction (khoa học viễn tưởng) blockbusters for years.
And while NASA categorically (thẳng thừng) insists (mong muốn) that 'no humans have had sex in space', that could soon change with the proliferation (phát triển) of space tourism (du lịch không gian).

Private space firms including Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin and Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic are now offering civilians the chance to venture (phiêu lưu) into space, albeit for a hefty price (giá đắt).

With this new era of spaceflight, David Cullen, Professor of Bioanalytical Technology at Cranfield University, is calling for urgent research into the consequences (hậu quả) of sex in space.

'My colleagues and I believe that space tourism companies haven't adequately (thích đáng) prepared for the consequences of people joining what we could call the "Kármán line club",' 

The Kármán line is a boundary 62 miles above sea level that marks the beginning of space.

source: dailymail,

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