Bởi cha yêu con theo cách của cha

đi cổ vũ con chơi bóng chày ở trường trung học, ông bố... đấm trọng tài :))

Forty-one-year-old Jorge Ignacio Aponte-Gonzalez struck (đánh) an umpire (trọng tài) over an argument during his son’s baseball (bóng chày) game at Liberty High School in Kissimmee, 
Osceola County Sheriff Marco Lopez says Aponte-Gonzalez’s son was being disruptive (gây gổ) and was chastised (trừng phạt) by the umpire, which led to the confrontation (đối đầu).

“The umpire is obviously going to maintain control of the game… Because that is what they are there to do. To make sure kids learn all about sportsmanlike (tinh thần thể thao) conduct (đạo đức)… The kid was being disruptive, so the umpire’s like, ‘Hey, tone it down,’ maintaining control, They went back and forth a little bit. I don’t know exactly what was exchanged, but… that is what upset the father.”

...The umpire’s name has not been released, but he’s reportedly 63. The father is facing battery (hành hung) charges.

source: yahoo,

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