Nearshoring nghĩa là gì?

photo credit: retailtouchpoints

Nearshoring -> nghĩa là chuyển sản xuất về gần nhà hơn.

Ví dụ
Many companies are future-proofing by nearshoring to spread that risk and diversify (đa dạng hóa) product sourcing (nguồn sản phẩm) so natural disasters (thảm họa thiên nhiên), geopolitical strife (xung đột địa chính trị) and labor strikes don’t have to upend operations. Across the Atlantic Ocean, Eastern Europe is a case study of how nearshoring works when done well.

Poland serves as a logistical gateway (cổng kho vận) for the region (cho khu vực), and its neighbors serve as effective sourcing options, making Eastern Europe’s nearshoring efforts advantageous for all the countries in the region. Nearshoring aligns regional supply chains and enables efficient and effective business operations for both established and emerging businesses in Eastern Europe.

The move toward nearshoring will be driven by availability, datacenterHawk notes. If there is no room in American data centers, then customers will look elsewhere. The Internet has rendered the world essentially borderless (phi biên giới) anyway, and putting your equipment in a Mexican co-location center should not be much different than putting it in a Texas-based co-location center.

It’s getting tough to look under rocks for savings, despite all the talk about reshoring and nearshoring. And it’s important to remember that companies are often looking to source not finished goods but raw materials and components to feed nearshore production. That’s because it’s helpful to have that assembly operation (hoạt động lắp ráp) come back to the [Western] hemisphere (bán cầu), even if there’s a premium on [doing assembly in higher-wage countries]. You’ll see some inventory savings by virtue of having that assembly closer [to the end consumer].

Phạm Hạnh

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