"Soft saving" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

"Soft saving" = tiết kiệm mềm -> nghĩa là dành ít tiền tiết kiệm hơn cho tương lai để chi tiêu cho hiện tại.

Ví dụ
Soft saving is the soft life’s answer to finances.

For most people, their goal (mục tiêu) is to work hard (làm việc chăm chỉ), save money (tiết kiệm) and retire early (nghỉ hưu sớm). But a “soft saving” trend (xu hướng) is emerging (nổi lên) among younger workers, challenging the traditional way of thinking (thách thức cách suy nghĩ truyền thống). Soft saving refers to putting less money into the future, and using more of it for the present.

In fact, personal saving rates among Americans today seem to mirror (gương, phản ánh) the soft savings trend. According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Americans are saving less in 2023. The personal saving rate (tỷ lệ tiết kiệm cá nhân) — the portion (tỷ lệ) of disposable income (thu nhập khả dụng) one sets aside for savings — was significantly lower at 3.9% in August, compared to the 8.51% average in the past decade (thập kỷ), according to data (dữ liệu) from Trading Economics which goes as far back as 1959.

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