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ngửi nước mắt con gái khiến con trai bớt hung hăng hơn...
When someone starts to cry, other people oftentimes feel empathy (sự đồng cảm) and concern (lo lắng). But the biological reasons for shedding tears (khóc; rơi nước mắt) can extend beyond merely prompting a sense of compassion (một cảm giác từ bi). The tears themselves appear to take on a role as a chemical peacemaker (chất hòa bình hóa học) between men and women, new research has discovered.

Women’s tears act to reduce aggression (sự hung hăng) in men who are close enough to catch a whiff (ngửi một hơi) of the waterworks, according to findings published in PLOS Biology and confirmed through human behavioral studies, brain imaging and molecular biology (sinh học phân tử). The researchers speculate that tears from people who aren’t women likely have a similar effect, but this has yet to be tested.

The new paper suggests that a fundamental reason (lý do cơ bản) why women shed emotional tears is “to convey a chemical signal (truyền tín hiệu hóa học) that lowers aggression,” says Shani Agron, co-lead author of the study, which she conducted for her doctoral degree in neurobiology (sinh học thần kinh) at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. (Agron has since graduated.) “We believe this is a shared mechanism (cơ chế chia sẻ) of many mammals (động vật có vú).”

source: scientificamerican,

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