Tài khoản ngân hàng Nga có thể cung cấp manh mối về một thương vụ vũ khí của Triều Tiên

các quan chức tình báo đồng minh của Mỹ cho rằng Moscow có thể đang cố gắng giúp Bình Nhưỡng tiếp cận hệ thống tài chính quốc tế để đổi lấy tên lửa và đạn dược

Russia has allowed (cho phép) the release of millions of dollars in frozen North Korean assets and may be helping its isolated ally with access to international banking networks (mạng lưới ngân hàng quốc tế), assistance that has come after the North’s transfer of weapons to Moscow for use against Ukraine, according to American-allied intelligence officials.

The White House said last month that it had evidence (bằng chứng) that North Korea had provided ballistic missiles to Russia, and that the North was seeking military hardware in return. Pyongyang also appears to have shipped up (vận chuyển lên) to 2.5 million rounds of ammunition, according to an analysis by a British security think tank.

Russia has allowed the release of $9 million out of $30 million in frozen North Korean assets deposited in a Russian financial institution, according to the intelligence officials, money that they say the impoverished North will use to buy crude oil.

Even though the two countries “could be friends with benefits now,” said Soo Kim, a former C.I.A. analyst on North Korea, their trust is not so great that Russia would “give away its valued secrets.”

Experts said that Russia would move cautiously (cẩn trọng) because it was still mindful (trách nhiệm) of U.N. sanctions as a permanent member of the Security Council. Russia, they said, may believe it can sidestep the sanctions (bỏ qua các lệnh trừng phạt) in a deniable way.

source: nytimes,

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